4th Scientific Summit on Tobacco Harm Reduction
“The 4th Scientific Summit on Tobacco Harm Reduction: Novel Products, Research & Policy will be held virtually, on 29-30 September 2021.
The 4th Scientific Summit is organised by SCOHRE, the newly established International Association of independent experts on Smoking Control & Harm Reduction, which emerged from the need to step up the efforts towards a new broader approach to smoking control policies.
The event has the support of all academic instututions that organised the previous Summits: the Department of Biochemistry-Biotechnology, Postgraduate Program “Toxicology” of the University of Thessaly; the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Immunology, Department of Pharmacy of the University of Patras; the Department of Public Health, National School of Public Health, Athens, and the 2nd Cardiology Dept., University Hospital Attikon, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Join the 4th Scientific Summit virtually, to take part in a productive debate on emerging policies on Tobacco Harm Reduction and present research data on novel products to an international audience.
The platform for Registrations and Abstract submission will soon be available.”
From: No Smoke Summit
Discover more: https://www.nosmokesummit.org/about/