Sixty years after the first report by the Royal College of Physicians on the correlation between tobacco, smoking and health, a new paper from the institute explores the progress of the country while a new National Tobacco Control Plan is on sight.
“‘Too many UK generations have been blighted by addiction to tobacco. To ensure that those born today live their lives tobacco-free, we must take the necessary steps to make smoking obsolete.“
“In a historic time of medicine showing it can solve the health crises that come its way, this is our opportunity to make smoking and tobacco addiction history” commented the President of the Royal College of Physicians Andrew.
Written by experts and approved by RCP Council, this 150-page report provides a comprehensive description of tobacco use in the UK. Throughout the ten chapters of the report, the dynamics linked to smoke in the country are meticulously examined. From the effects of tobacco control measures to the consequences of promotion and lobbying by cigarette companies.
“Tobacco smoking is a blight on health and society. The ill-health, premature death and financial toll caused by tobacco use touches all communities in the UK, and is typically concentrated in the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our society.“
“To ensure that those born today live their lives tobacco-free we must take the necessary steps to make smoking obsolete,” said Sanjay Agrawal President of the RCP Tobacco Advisory Group and Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Leicester.
The report “Smoking and Health 2021: a coming of age for tobacco control” shows that – despite the 75% reduction in the total number of smokers from the 1960s to today – cigarette smoking would have been eradicated in the UK if the policies advocated by the RCP in 1962 had been followed.
Among the recommendations, the needs to take action in all the areas outlined by the study. In particular, a global action that simultaneously embraces the priorities not limited only to measures of public health.
The report contains also guidance on fiscal policy, best practices to eliminate cigarette advertising on media, priorities to follow on the treatment of tobacco addiction, how to implement global campaigns on smoking cessation.